The very first of a series : OUR Women Empowerment Summit is happening in Mauritius Island !

Contact us for partnership enquiries in other countries.

We Gather, We Share Stories, We Empower.
The Women Empowerment Summit Mauritius is a fully immersive experience, bringing together women from all over Mauritius to celebrate their worth, step into their power, connect, share their voice, and express their wisdom.

The intention behind the WESM 2022 is very simple: Empower women to step into their power. 

We believe that your story is your power, and that your wounds are wisdom. We all express it in our own unique ways. Through our career, our clothes, our body shapes, our voice, through dancing, singing, speaking, there are infinite possibilities. 

All women have a soul need to express, to develop and blossom in a way that reflects their true authentic selves. This is what the Summit is all about!
Whether you’re new to this journey or are feeling an instinctive calling to step into your power and reconnect to yourself, this event has been designed especially for you. It is for every woman who wants to connect to a tribe, reconnect to her power, and leave feeling inspired, empowered and loved.

You can call yourself mothers, sisters, business leaders, artists, students, souls, truth is, we are all of it. All women are invited !

More Than An Event, 
We are a Tribe & a Movement.

More than ever before, we feel a need to connect to a tribe of women to guide us through the seasons and transitions we go through in life : becoming a self-actualized woman, a mother, a business leader. Sharing our journey and connecting through subjects close to us such as motherhood, relationships, love, sex, friendships, business, art, body image, food, well-being, etc…

Because we are all on a journey to understanding and loving ourselves, creating our own path, spreading love, shining our light and building our legacy. – That’s why the Women Empowerment Summit exists in the first place.

By immersing ourselves into a safe space of love, sisterhood and by looking at ourselves through new perspectives, change starts to happen. This allows us to unlock the potential to materialize things into our world.



With as much passion as I can muster, I try to connect people, to shape destinies. Navigating across cultures, I believe strongly that collective intelligence can provide a new narrative for women and girls to flourish. 

My story is a true example of resilience: By standing for values, I allowed myself to radically change my personal and professional trajectory. I embraced the entrepreneurial lifestyle at the age of 40, creating the KIP Center for Leadership while bringing my two children on an adventurous journey to Harvard. 

 Today, by making the advancement of women and girls my battle, I feel immense joy in inspiring hundreds of women and girls to push their agenda forward, providing open dialogue on gender policies, leading with purpose …
I am Athina, Mauritian and an HR professional since 2014. I am happily married and a mom of two kids, Ella who's 4 this year and Jules who just turned 1. I am the last of a family of 5 kids and the only girl! And I think this is important to mention because this has contributed greatly to the Woman I am today with regards to my relation to Feminism, Gender equality and the notion of Success. 

I created Lakaz Mama last year with the aim to set-up an inclusive platform that shares everything related to pregnancy and parenting, including birth and postpartum issues, without any taboos, guilt or judgments. I want to empower women to feel less isolated and more connected to each other. We are enough and we are powerful. The first things to really achieve are these three: self-love, self-acceptance and self-care. 
Who am I? A Public Relations consultant. A body confidence advocate. A life enthusiast. And your professional hype woman at any given time.
I am a pure product of my generation, I defend the values I stand for and I thrive the most when I step out of my comfort zone.
For the past 6 years, I've been working in Mauritius in different fields namely Communications & Events and Project Management. Travelling has always been my go to, to recharge myself. This passion has broadened my perspectives on life, the way I would like to evolve in this world, and has strengthened my own identity as a person.
I’ve realized that, in today’s society you are expected to be everything, except being exactly who you are. Social media has been a game changer for me, specially during the pandemic, while we were not able to travel. I have used it to help me grow as a person as well as hightened my self confidence. What was once a hobby quickly became a passion about discovering and learning subjects such as inclusivity, diversity and social constructs.
Passionate since the age of 5, I have been dancing forever. Dancing for me is my way of expressing my emotions and dealing with them. Discrete and sensitive, dance at first was a refuge, now it is my way to show to the world WHO AM I. 

I am also an entrepreneur managing a social enterprise called New Born, that allowed me to reconnect to my passion and express it through my work. A safe space where alternative therapeutic practices are at the heart of our philosophy. Indeed, dance has been a healing practice and a way of life since the dawn of time. It allowed me to heal and guided me through my most difficult times. I'm exited to invite you into my world and help you reconnect to yourself through the power of movement. 
Sharing her voice and expression herself through singing, ANNEGA is a Mauritian pop-artist. She released her debut single Remember Me in September 2019 and had since been renown for her crazy-colorful music videos and pop-world.
Women sharing their voices
We have mindfully selected women with a strong sense of who they are, and having the wisdom to confess they are still exploring, because we are constantly evolving throughout our lives, it is a process, not a final goal. These women have connected to their voice in their own individual way and will inspire you to reconnect to yours.

Through their unique stories, our speakers will transform the relationship you are having with yourself and others.

Whether it being through singing, dancing, painting, speaking, these women have used their voice to build their career and design a life according to their own terms. And you will too ! These women will share their voice, their story and their message with you.



A woman on a journey to becoming the highest, truest expression of her self, Diane is becoming a living proof that anything is possible if you put your mind into with love and joy. 

Diane is balanced, grounded, she has the capability to connect to what matters most to her and materialise it into businesses that have an impact ; such as Double Life Mauritius and The Women Empowerment Summit Mauritius 2022. 

Her nurturing approach to life will empower anyone crossing her road. Inclusive and firmly believing that your story is your power, Diane will empower you to voice out, step into your worth and express your inner light.
Spreading her light wherever she goes, people instinctively call her Sunshine. Lea incarnates self-expression through sensitivity. A woman with gracious authority and inner strength, she is driven by a calling to empower others.

Moved by her creative energy , she crafts immersive experiences and gracefully expresses herself on stage on subjects such as self-esteem, love, sex, relationships, entrepreneurship and spirituality.

She shares her wisdom with a sincere, caring and uncensored approach. Lea deeply believes in the power of having a tribe, and will inspire you to step into your own power.



Designing a space is such a beautiful way of expressing ourselves. The venue will be harmoniously designed by Muy Mucho, with the insight of two talented women, the owner Monia Tamrani and their interior designer Anega.
There is magic in capturing unique moments in time, and being able to reconnect to the emotions felt as if the event was happening in the present.  Passionate and immersed into their world, filming is their way of expression. Lisa & Dim are our official videographers for the summit.
 Guided by her instinct, Laura reveals women through photography. She brings out our light and beauty, and captures moments of our lives. We are honored to announce Laura as our official photographer for the summit.

... Passionnée d’art visuels, la photographie est pour moi le vecteur idéal pour mettre des images sur des mots. 
L’observation du monde qui m’entoure constitue ma principale source d’inspiration.
Autodidacte, c’est au travers d’enrichissantes expériences professionnelles, de rencontres et au sein de ma famille que j’ai appris à forger mon regard. 
Qu’il s’agisse de portraits, de paysages ou de moments de vie, mon travail photographique révèle ma vision sensible et poétique du monde.
Avec une prédilection particulière pour l’humain dans sa beauté naturelle, l’expression de ses emotions ou encore de ses passions. Toujours à la recherche de ce moment précis où mon sujet se dévoile enfin, j’aime transmettre des émotions authentiques au travers de mes photographies. Et quand je ne suis pas derrière l’objectif, j’aime passer mon temps à travailler sur des colorimétries, créer des collages, dessiner, ou encore à écrire.
«After being diagnosed with Vitiligo, an auto-immune disease causing depigmentation of the skin, yashmini completely turn around her lifestyle for her health. From changing her diet by going plant based and shifting from a corporate world to be an entrepreneur, ynut_healthybites, was born. This whole experience has been a life-changing event, a true blessing in disguise, that has reconnect me with my true self»

We are beyond excited to have partnered with ynut_healthybites in collaboration with neofoodsmauritius to serve you the best homemade vegan treats during the event.
« Tess ». Jeune artiste Mauricienne, sensible & curieuse, je me laisse guider par mes émotions et mon environnement. Mes sources d’inspirations sont les textures & mouvements qui m’entourent... la nature, les gens, l’architecture, les jeux d’ombres et de lumières m’interpellent. 

Mes créations d’un élan spontané & intuitif, laissent libre cours à la subjectivité des lecteurs. C’est au travers de mon art lumineux & naïf, alliant douceur & contrastes que j’exprime ma sensibilité. Une hypersensibilité qui accompagne au quotidien cette âme solitaire que je suis.
Born in Mauritius, I left my island to study in Reunion, then in England. I always liked to draw in my teenage years, especially portraits. I only returned to painting in my forties after the birth of my 3 children. Trained mainly in oil painting and watercolor, I use all the techniques... 3 years of live model lessons at the Beaux Arts and 5 years at l'Imagerie workshop in Toulouse brought a lot of ease and confidence.
It made me discover new things on different supports and I alternate the techniques according to my inspiration.
My preference remains portraits but I leave myself the time to launch myself soon in abstract art and life scenes.
Pop Art is my engine because I am an assumed colorist.
I came back in Mauritius since 2019.
Their beautiful Thea Goddess Candles have been distributed to the WES team. A pure expression of creativity and an honor to the female body.
An incredible team who's been setting up the sound system and lighting throughout the venue ! Thanks to Megan and Natesh !
Painting is a langage, a way to express our creativity. Through their genuine approach, the team will be covering our walls to create a welcoming space. 

Sofap studied and understands the psychology of colors. They help us to create a mood that will stimulate your senses. 


What happens at the Women Empowerment Summit Mauritius? 

A full Saturday morning dedicated to self empowerment and self love. We start at 8.45 am and finish at 1pm ! You will be allocated to sections of the space inside, with opportunities to move your body, sit on the floor or on chairs, so wear comfortable clothes that you feel good and shine in! These 4 full hours will be powerful and fun, but you’ll also be going through internal work, so feel rested, be prepared to get honest with yourself.

What do we need to bring ?

 Bring yourself as you are – and a journal and pen – because you may feel like writing all these inspiring teachings you will hear. A drink will be included but you may want to bring a bottle of water with you. We will have a no food no shoes policy, but you’ll understand why there! Wear something you feel comfortable in, and layers in case you get cold!

Will I have to share my own story?

This time you do not have to ! Speakers will be sharing their stories and wisdom, and ask you questions that you can write in your journal to spend some time answering at your convenience. You will have some time to connect with all the women joining us, and feel free to open up if it feels right for you ! You may build strong sisterhoods and partnerships during this event !

Do you have disabled access and facilities?

Yes, our space is huge and DDA compliant. Feel free to reach out if you have any special request and our team will help you out.

Can I get a refund on my tickets?

All ticket sales are full and final and no refunds will be given. 

Wait, I still have more questions!

Email at and we will be sure to answer them! 
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